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Starting the Journey


Characters and setting are introduced. To find out more about exposition, characterization and setting, click HERE for more details about these elements.


Compassion - Heroes share the feelings of others, and the have pity on even the most wicked and wretched of creatures. They do not wantonly slaughter their enemies, even when it might seem prudent.

Responsible Free Will - To exert control over the will of others is one of the ultimate evils, and heroes reject it utterly, knowing that true wisdom lies in allowing each person to pick his own path.

Generosity - Heroes give generously, both of themselves and their goods, as need warrants. Heroes often acquire riches and glory during their lives, but obtaining them is not their main motivation. Those who are evil and cowardly are grasping, greedy, and grudging, often seeking gold for gold’s sake alone.

Honesty and Fairness - Heroes deal with other folk honestly and fairly at all times. Though they may not reveal all that they know, simply to satisfy the curiosity of others, a true hero neither avoids nor skirts the truth when the proper time comes.

Honor and Nobility - They abide by their word, treat others fairly and with the respect due them – regardless of their station – and have that graciousness of spirit which marks the true noble.

Restraint - Heroes in Middle Earth are not indiscriminate killers hacking down anyone who angers or threatens them, or spilling blood needlessly. The kill in battle and often accomplish great feats of arms, but that is a different thing than ruthlessly butchering anyone and anything that crosses their paths. They exercise restraint, slaying their foes only when they must.

Self-Sacrifice – Perhaps most importantly of all, heroes are self-sacrificing. They give of themselves, even unto death, to keep the world safe from the forces of darkness.

Valor - They are brave, and with the strength of will and spirit to meet the servants of darkness and stand against them. They do not shirk from danger, though it threatens their very lives.

Wisdom – They understand their own limitations and can judge the value and truth of things fairly, rather than through the lens of their own self-interest or foolish desires.

The Following Questions Will Help You to Begin Your Journey.

Answer them in your "Hero's Handbook" by recalling the events from the novel, The Outsiders.

1. Where does The Outsiders take place? During which time period?

2. How does the time period of the novel make a difference in the characters’ actions?

3. What values were important during that time period?

4. List the following characters in your Hero’s Handbook and write a brief physical description, emotional description and any other notes you feel are important to ‘getting to know’ these characters: a. Ponyboy Curtis b. Darry Curtis c. Johnny Cade d. Dallas Winston

5. Which characters from the list above best define what a hero is? Explain your answer using qualities you’ve listed in your Hero’s Handbook.

Guide to the Journey

Encountering Obstacles
Choose Your Path
Dealing With the Consequences
The End?
Final Product
Extension Project