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Encountering Obstacles


Characters are faced with problems and must decide how to overcome them.

Click HERE for more information on this literary element.

Jot down notes on the following types of conflict from that website:

1. human vs. human
2. human vs. self
3. human vs. society
4. human vs. nature
5. human vs. technology/science

Identify and explain the following conflicts from The Outsiders by jotting down details of the problems:

1. The greasers and the socs:

2. Johnny and his parents:

3. Darry and Ponyboy:

4. Ponyboy and Johnny and the police:

5. Sherry Valance and her decision to associate with the greasers:

The Guide to the Journey

Starting the Journey
Choose Your Path
Dealing With the Consequences
The End?
Final Product
Extension Project