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Now that you have compelted the hero's journey, it is time to prove that you yourself are worthy of the title "HERO".

Your project will be a power point presenation in which you will have to highlight your own journey through the shark infested waters of one the following scenarios:

1) Bullying - You are walking by the local park on Saturday afternoon when you see a group of teenagers picking on a 12 year old boy and two of his friends. It looks like it's just verbal for now, but one of the teenagers is approaching the younger boys in a threatening way. What do you do?

2) Snitching - You are waiting to talk to the teacher after class as she's helping a few other students. One of the students has left their bag at their desk and you see another student go through it and take the girl's wallet. You say nothing. When the girl realizes her wallet is gone, she becomes incredibly upset because the money she needed for the bus was in there, along with the $50 her mother gave her to go food shopping for the family that afternoon. What do you do?

3) Peer Pressure - A group of people you go to school with are all hanging out on the corner after school on Friday. An older man stops to wait for the bus along with you and the other people from your school begin to call him names due to his age and make fun of him to his face. They look at you expectantly, waiting for you to join in. What do you do?

-title slide indicating journey title
-slideshow should consist of 10-12 slides (1-2 focusing on setting, 1-2 focusing on character, 1-2 slides on conflict, 1-2 slides on climax, 1-2 slides on falling action, 1-2 slides on resolution)
-implementation of backgrounds and graphics
-storyline follows plot mountain and shows creativity and ingenuity
-no plagarism!!!
-adhere to due date

*Please note that this is not a group grade, it is an individual grade*

The Guide to the Journey

Starting the Journey
Encountering Obstacles
Choose Your Path
Dealing With the Consequences
The End?
Extension Project